Another week, another bunch of really poorly-dressed smelly messy people.

Yes, it’s the SLOB awards again! The SLOB hall of fame has inducted 9 deserving people as new members into the august and excellent status of SLOBdom: startlingly loquacious & outstanding bloggers.

Do check them out, will you? I did tell them they’d get at least one click for their cash. (Err … that is a joke.)

Once again, I give you:

The SLOB hall of fame.

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Want to be a SLOB?
Yes, it’s unfortunately true that many are reviewed and few are chosen, but you can vastly improve your odds by sending me an email and letting me know that you too are SLOBworthy.

[tags] SLOB, blogging, outstanding, loquacious, startling, blogs, bloggers, john koetsier [/tags]

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