Tag - instant personalization

Groupon, I love you … but not that much

If we were on a date, Groupon would be asking all the questions and I’d be playing the strong, silent type.

Group likes me – a lot. Or so I assume. Because Groupon actually wants to know an awful lot about me. And I’m not so sure I want them to know that much about me … even if she has that amazing blond hair.

I like social, and I like what Facebook is doing in terms of instant personalization with sites like TripAdvisor. But I don’t necessary want people, groups, or companies crawling up in my bed and sleeping there. Or setting my alarm. Or phoning my friends just to chat.

Groupon wants the following permissions to sign in with my Facebook account:

  • Access my basic information
    (This is a LOT more than most people who read “basic” might think.)

  • Send me email
  • Post to my wall
    (Post what, specifically? When? About what?)

  • Access my data anytime
    (Not just when I’m using the service.)

  • Ready my check-ins
    (So Groupon knows where I am.)

  • Access my profile information
    (Maybe Groupon wants to give me a birthday present?)

This is a problem with a lot of companies that want to get social … really social. The problem is that the more permissions a company asks for, the fewer the number of people who will say yes. I might be batting for first base, but they’re trying to hit a home run.

Sorry Groupon. I like you … just not that way.