Smart buildings 2024: an essential part of a smart grid

smart buildings 2024

How smart will our buildings become in 2024?

It’s early January and I’m in Vegas at CES where everything is smart, everything is AI, everything is cutting edge … apparently. But how smart will our buildings and homes get in 2024? Where are we headed, and where are the gaps?

Our guest for this episode: Dan Hollenkamp, CEO of Toggled, which makes sensors, software, and appliances for smart buildings.

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Smart buildings 2024: AI summary of podcast

Here’s an AI summary of the podcast:

  • How smart will our buildings become in 2024?
  • The goal is to have a building that responds to our needs
  • Confusion between smart devices and remote controllable devices
  • Buildings that are assisting us and not taking away from our tasks
  • Data sharing and decision-making based on data
  • Flexibility in working times and locations
  • Buildings becoming active participants on the grid
  • Using AI to understand building usage and optimize environments

Summary blog: smart buildings in 2024

Note: this is AI-generated

The podcast episode titled ‘Toggled’ explores the intriguing world of smart buildings and the significant role of AI in shaping their future.

The episode kicked off with a question – how smart will our buildings become in 2024? Predicting the progress of technology is no small feat, but the guests provided their fascinating insights based on current technological advancements.

The dream of creating smart buildings is more than a looming reality; it’s an intention, a goal, and a process. The ultimate aim is to establish buildings that respond to our needs without adding any unnecessary complexity. This incorporates building structures that are intuitive, adaptable, and capable of providing the necessary support for a plethora of activities.

As the discussion carried on, a crucial differentiation was made between smart devices and remote-controllable devices. This segment emphasized the importance of going beyond developing technology that enables control to developing technology that predicts and anticipates our needs. This would pave the way for genuinely enhancing living and working spaces without introducing added work or confusion.

The benefits of smart buildings extend not only to structural design but also the function and feel of the space. The episode painted an image of the future where buildings are equipped to support and even enhance our daily routines. With smart buildings, you won’t have to fuss around adjusting the ambiance whenever you walk into a room; instead, the room would already be tailored to your preferences, ensuring a comfortable and productive environment.

The conversation in the episode highlighted the undeniable importance of data. In an era where data is king, building systems need to not just collect but also share and analyze this data to make informed choices. By leveraging the power of data, intelligent and efficient building management becomes a reality.

A significant chunk of the discussion revolved around the changing trend of workspaces due to remote working. The shift towards remote work has ushered in an era of flexibility in working times and locations, which in turn, affects our buildings’ energy usage patterns. Smart buildings must transform and adapt to these changing patterns to ensure an optimum level of comfort and productivity.

As the future unfolds, buildings are expected to evolve from mere energy consumers to active participants on the grid. With the increasing shift towards renewable energy and microgeneration, buildings will have a crucial role in balancing energy demand and supply, actively managing energy consumption, and aiding the integration of various energy sources.

Last but certainly not least, the podcast highlighted the immense potential of AI in smart buildings. Leveraging AI, buildings will be able to analyze user behaviors, adapt to personal preferences, and make automated adjustments to the environment to create optimal conditions. In essence, AI will help buildings become smarter, more adaptable, and energy-efficient.

To sum up the podcast, it offered a captivating glimpse of the future of smart buildings and AI’s transformative potential. Through the integration of cutting-edge technology, AI, data, our everyday living and working spaces have the potential to become intelligent, adaptive, and energy-efficient.

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