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10 tips for optimizing your growth loop

Everyone who is serious about mobile growth is trying to create a growth loop: a self-reinforcing spiraling cycle of in-app activity that increasingly fuels growth in time spent, growth in people using your app, and growth in monetization.

But how?

I recently moderated a webinar for my client Singular on this topic. Inevitably, we had more questions than we could answer live, and so I answered them on the blog.

From my post:

Mobile app growth marketers live and die by their growth loops. Apps that get to the Google Play and App Store top charts and stay there have figured out how to sustainably acquire, engage, monetize, and retain their users, players, or customers. And they know how to make each step in the cycle amplify the next, building an ongoing and ever-increasing growth loop.

Growth loops, however, thrive on predictability.

That’s just what Apple’s App Tracking Transparency additions in iOS 14.5 and iOS 15 challenged, and what Google’s coming Privacy Sandbox for Android will imperil. The rules of app growth changed on iOS, and they will change in a few years on Android.

Read the entire post here …

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