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Why won’t Google let bloggers control AdSense price minimums?

I just checked my AdSense revenue for today and noticed a click that paid me a stunning total of three bloody cents.

I mean, I appreciate the long tail of just about anything as much as anyone, but boy-oh-boy! That has got to be the skinny prehensile appendage of pay-per-click text advertising.

Which got me thinking: AdWords is currently set up so that advertisers can decide what they are willing to pay. Then Google automagics the numbers so that they pay only a penny more than then next most profligate advertiser.

All well and good.

But what if Google set up AdSense so that publishers (that’s me and you) can decide at what price they are willing to sell? Then Google would automagically set up advertisers and publishers with matching parameters – kind of like an electronic ad dating service.

(AdWords and AdSense are two sides of the same coin: AdWords is the advertiser side, where ads are purchased; AdSense is the publisher side, where ads are displayed.)

I’d like to be able to set minimums for my ad space. Why won’t Google let me do that?

[tags] google, adsense, adwords, publisher, advertiser, pay-per-click, john koetsier [/tags]
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