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the future starts now

The Future Starts Now

The Future Starts Now is a collaboration between 20 futurists who are imagining and reimagining what’s coming. My chapter is on the augmented reality commons we need to build before we find ourselves buried in even deeper silos of reality than we currently are.

As the book website says, it’s a “call to action for those who are tired of being caught up in someone else’s future.”

“The truth is, the future is not fixed: It is neither as bleak as the profits of doom predict, nor as shiny and brilliant as the optimistic smooth talking “singularity” soothsayers promise. Despite what powerful, power hungry politicians and high-profile profit hungry businesses “personalities” tell us, nothing is “inevitable” (except for death and taxes, and even then…).”

I could not have enjoyed working with the book’s originators and editors, Theo Priestley and Bronwyn Williams more, and it’s an absolute pleasure and honor to have written a chapter along with the other contributors.

You can purchase the book at Amazon or any other place books are sold online.

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